Legion Announcements - July 1st, 2009

Check out Contributing Author links on the left sidebar

We are always looking for creative Authors who would like to write for the Legion. If you would like to contribute (even occasionally) just email us with a request.


Friday, October 9, 2009

Hooray For Beacon Girl

Good morning, all. Beacon Girl again. I'm back!

Thank you, Bevie, for contacting Google on my behalf. It was just a mistake. I don't advertise products and I'm not profane. I'm just the girl who reports on the doings of the Legion.

Speaking of which, there haven't been any doings to report. I confess that has made me lonely and feeling like I have no purpose in life. It may also have contributed to my account being disabled like it was.

What's sad is that we have so many unfinished stories hanging here.
  • Panthera has to save herself and Pelage from being labeled traitors
  • Feathered Guy Anthropist has thoroughly annoyed Sansi and Sybarti
  • Shaavoring is in a battle
  • Ana-Maiden Elf Warrior has a worthy opponent
  • Boetha: The Electric Zombie still has to deal with the Phantom Poet
  • Sorrow's story remains unfinished
  • Fairy Hedgehog and Lizard Girl appear to be teaming up against a corrupt government
  • Mad Smart Pirate still has to capture Experimental Inferno
No idea if any of these will be finished. Hope they will.

Meanwhile, I will try to post something at least weekly until the Legion Authors begin submitting episodes again. Maybe I'll even take the initiative and write another Little Darla. Who knows?

Take care everyone.

We currently have several active stories:


writtenwyrdd said...

I know, I have let Boetha lapse. And she's so interesting, too!

fairyhedgehog said...

She really is!

fairyhedgehog said...

Oh, and I'm sorry but Fairy Hedgehog will have to wait at least until after Christmas. If then. I can't even think about her till after Nano and then December is usually a bit fraught.

Beacon Girl said...

I agree. Boetha is interesting.

With NaNoWriMo coming up I would be surprised to see many submissions before Christmas.

Don't worry about it. This blog is supposed to be about fun. So write to have fun.

In the meantime, I will try to find things of interest to post.

Good luck with NaNoWriMo!