I search the universe of imagination with my electric magnifying glass, seeking out Heroes and Villains who have stories which need telling. When I find one, I present them here for the Readership to examine. Most often, all I am able to present is a picture. I do not even know their name.
If you, the Readership, would help me, I would be greatly pleased.
What I need is for you to offer suggestions on possible names and powers for the newly acquired Hero/Villain. And let me know if he/she is a Hero or a Villain. For those of you who are bold, and already know this person, you may write an episode and submit it to me at: legionblog@ymail.com. (This is for both Readers and Legion Authors.) Be sure to use Beacon Girl in the title, so it comes to me. Story submissions should be in the range of 500-words. If you are not currently a Legion Author, but would like to be, let me know that, too, and we will sign you up. If you are already a Legion Author and would like this hero added to your list of story sources, please indicate so in your email. Legion Authors should not post these stories directly to the blog as we would like to give everyone a chance to submit their thoughts and opinions.
As it happens, I already have found someone for you to consider. The character is female (or, she looks female). She has light blue skin and is dressed quite oddly. In her left hand is a musical horn. In her right is a scroll. She stands in a circle of strange symbols, and the background contains a lot of electricity. Beyond that, I don't know.
Comments regarding name, powers, and Hero/Villain status may be made to this post. Story submissions should be made to legionblog@ymail.com.
She is Crystallyn. She has the power to call up ice giants with her magic horn but she can't always control them. She is a chaotic figure, working for good but sometimes causing evil.
Will that do for a start? I'm open to better ideas.
I Love the name.
Ice giants. Cool. A bit incompetent. Excellent!
I must say, this is the top recommendation I've received thus far.
Good going, fairyhedgehog!
As I understand it, it's also the bottom recommendation but let's not split hairs.
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